Sunday, September 7, 2008

Here is a two page Layout that I made today of my son. I recently got a Cricut Machine and now I am hooked, plus I also got the Design Studio and making a title is a lot more fun!
My son wanted a picture next to Goofie when we when to Disney, he even wanted a goofie hat. I seems to fit him so well. so this is the result of those two picures. the 10 reasons plus one are:
10. You are so funny.
9. You do your chores when
I tell you. (Most of the times)
8. You are so kind to Gaby,
Bambino and Bella.
7. You love to draw and you
do it very well.
6. You can cook a ‘mean’ spaghetti.
5. You truly love your sister, even
though you say you don’t.
4. You are so sweet to me –
3. You say the goofiest things.
2. You dream of your future, like being
a comedian when you grow up!
And the #1 reason why I thing you ARE the
BEST is…
Because I said so!
Plus one more reason, You also said you are the best!

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